On-going clinical trials

  1. Sarilumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody against IL-6 is being tested in patients with intermediate, posterior or pan-uveitis of non infectious origin. This multicentric protocol from Sanofi and Regeneron has been approved by this ethics commission of the Canton de Vaud. In the SATURN study (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01900431) patients will be treated for up to a year with this medication. Randomization is 2:1 in favor of the medication. It is administered subcutaneously every 2 weeks. A rigorous follow-up is required in this study, which we are capable of offering in our office. Prof Spertini of the CHUV will help co-manage any systemic toxicities which may arise in the context of this study. If you have one or more patients with posterior uveitis either acute or chronic, we will be happy to check their eligibility for this protocol. As with all studies of this nature, costs associated with the care are covered by study itself.